Lunar Day India: The Exact Time of Moonrise and Moonset in New Delhi and Mumbai Online Today
(Wed, 12 Feb 2025 21:05:01 GMT)
Moonset: 05:01
Moonrise: 16:27
Sunrise: 04:31
Sunset: 15:40
Solar Noon: 10:05 MSK
(Wed, 12 Feb 2025 21:05:01 GMT)
Moonset: 05:08
Moonrise: 16:54
Sunrise: 04:38
Sunset: 16:08
Solar Noon: 10:23 MSK
The Exact Time of Moonrise and Moonset in the City Selected on the Map Today (ex. Bengaluru)
12.9715987 , 77.5945627(Wed, 12 Feb 2025 21:05:01 GMT)
Moonset: 04:42
Moonrise: 16:40
Sunrise: 04:13
Sunset: 15:55
Solar Noon: 10:04 MSK
Enter the name of your city, the settlement in the top field on the map.
The calculation is based on the time settings on Your device.
📖 - Original: Луна сегодня: время восхода и захода Луны, лунный день
(The moon today: moonrise and moonset, the lunar day)
English text is compiled with the help of Google Translator and Yandex Interpreter
Google 2017: The time of the rising and setting of the Moon, as well as of the Sun, depends on the location of the observer on the Earth's surface, that is, in calculations it is determined by the latitude and longitude of the observation point. To calculate when exactly the moon will rise, for example, in New Delhi, you need to specify the coordinates of the city.
On this page you can see how the Moon behaves today from the point of view of two observers from New Delhi and Mumbai. For clarity, calculations are supplemented by an illustration of the state of the moon, with background colors that symbolize the signs of the zodiac.
Yandeх 2017: Moonrise and moonset, as well as the Sun depends on the observer location on the Earth's surface, i.e. in the calculations is determined by the latitude and longitude of the observation point. To calculate exactly when the Moon rises tonight, for example, in Delhi, you must specify the coordinates of the city.
On this page you can see how the Moon is today, and from the points of view of two observers from Delhi and Mumbai. For clarity, the calculations are supplemented by a commentary on the state of the moon, with background colors, simboliski zodiac signs
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July 2017