Drawings and schemes: How to find Orion constellation
How to find Orion constellation
"The ancient Egyptians believed that the drawings of the constellations are messages from the gods, you only need to learn how to understand them correctly."
Google translator 2021, February, original text: How to find Orion Constellation (Russian)

Fig. I.Ori. Constellation Orion, diagram
The constellation Orion at the latitude of Moscow can be observed in the early morning hours already at the very beginning of autumn.
The appearance of Orion from the horizon can be predicted using the lines of sight from the Big Dipper and Cassiopeia (Fig. 8.Ori ). In my opinion, sighting from the Big Dipper gives a more reliable result compared to sighting from the constellation Cassiopeia.
In general, the constellation Orion is so well recognizable that it is enough to find it among the stars at least once, after which you will unmistakably recognize it by a strip of three blue-white stars in Orion's Belt.
In order to find the constellation Orion, you can also use Figure 8.Ori :
Figure: 8.Ori. How to find the constellation Orion using the stars Ursa Major and Cassiopeia?
We need to mentally draw a line through Alkaid and Merak, the stars of the Big Dipper, - thus, we will find the star of the left shoulder of Orion Bellatrix . The Caph-Achird line will first pass next to Aldebaran, then the belt of Orion and lead to Saiph , which is at the feet of the hunter.
(When copying the figure, please keep its numbering from the original article Fig.8.Ori - " Constellation Orion ", a link to the original is required.)
The constellation Orion can also be found using the Moon. Until 2020, the moon will monthly look into the constellation Orion to get a better look at his club. And in the next 8 years it will pass over it at the time of the transition from the constellation Taurus to the constellation Gemini. The Moon's constellation chart can be found on the Moon - Constellation Guide page .
Now it remains only to correctly determine the angular dimensions of the constellation Orion. In Figure 6, the constellation is shown in an upright position, so it can be seen overhead on a winter evening, turning south or southwest.
Figure: 9.Ori. Estimation of the angular size of the constellation Orion using an outstretched arm.
(When copying the figure, please keep the numbering of the original article
Fig.9.Ori - " Constellation Orion ", a link to the original is required.)
The largest angular distance between the brightest stars in Orion is the distance from Betelgeuse to Rigel , which is 20 °. The angular distance between the thumb and forefinger of an outstretched hand of a person of normal constitution is 16-18 ° (regardless of gender and age from 7 years), so the Orion star against the background of an outstretched hand will look approximately as shown in Figure 9.Ori.
Sergey Ov ( Seosnews9 ): Constellation Orion, Orion (Ori) is the main constellation of the Orion group, located at the celestial equator
Constellation finding guide
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This list of ways to search for constellations is gradually expanding ...
1. The Orion group includes the constellations:
Canis Minor, Monoceros, Lepus, Canis Major and, of course, Orion.
Total: 5 constellations.
Figure: 16.Ori. Orion family
By the way, if you pay full attention to the text of the "Myth-Legends of Orion", you should add Eridanus to the Orion constellation group - its origins, the blood of Orion.
Zodiac signs
✔ How to find Orion constellation